
The secretariat of ERPC is headed by Member Secretary, who is an officer of Central Power Engineering Services (Group-A). Member Secretary is the administrative and technical head of ERPC Secretariat with the powers of the Head of Department. The other Group-A officers in the ERPC also belong to the cadre of the Central Power Engineering Service (Group-A). Group-B officers in ERPC are borne on the strength of CPES (Group-B) Cadre of the Govt. of India, while MTSs are on the strength of General Central Service of the Govt. of India.

The duties and responsibility envisaged under CEA Regulations, Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC), Regulations made by CERC, ERPC Resolution and ERPC from time to time are carried out by the Member Secretary, ERPC Secretariat.

In line with the provisions of IEGC the details of functions of ERPC Secretariat are given below:

  • To investigate and endeavor to resolve the grievance regarding unfair practices, delays, discrimination, lack of information, supply of wrong information or any other matter related to open access in inter-state transmission.
  • To prepare and issue weekly UI Charge and Reactive Charge Account (w.e.f. 28.08.06) and monthly Regional Energy Accounts (w.e.f. 01.09.06)
  • To certify, for the purpose of payment of transmission charges/ capacity charges and incentives:
    1. Availability of Regional AC and HVDC transmission system
    2. Availability and Plant Load Factor for ISGS (Thermal)
    3. Capacity Index for ISGS (Hydro)
  • To verify and take up the matter regarding persistent non-compliance of IEGC with the defaulting agency for expeditious termination of the non-compliance. ERPC shall maintain appropriate records of such violations.
  • To carry out periodic inspection of Under Frequency Relays installed by the constituents and investigate cases of non operation of such relays at set frequency in actual system operation.
  • To review on quarterly basis the Annual outage plan prepared by CEA in consultation with ISGS/other generators in advance for the financial year review on monthly basis for the concerned quarters.
  • To analyze the outage schedule given by all Regional Constituents, preparing a draft annual outage schedule and finalization of the annual outage plan for the following financial year by 31st January of each year.
  • Any other responsibilities assigned by CERC/ CEA Regulations/ ERPC/ ERPC Resolution are carried out by secretariat.

Name Designation Office Contact No.(Ext) Mobile No. Email
common-user N.S. Mondal Member Secretary 2423-9651 9958389967 mserpc-power[at]
common-user S. Kejriwal Director(Operation) 24239650(202) 9831919509 shyam.kejriwal[at]
common-user P. K. De Director (Commercial) 24239650(203) 9433125844 pkderpc[at]
common-user I K Mehra Director (Protection) 24239650(216) 9810688789 ikmehra[at]
common-user P.P. Jena Dy. Director (Commercial) &AS 2423-9659 ppjena.erpc[at]
common-user A. Das Dy. Director (TS&C , IT & Operation) 24239650(207) anupdas[at]
common-user A. Chatterjee Asst. Director(Operation) 8100307502 agnivachatterjee1993[at]
common-user D.K. Khuntia Asst. Director(Operation) 7683889161 dillip.khuntia.cea(at)
common-user K Saurav Asst. Director(Commercial & IT) 9113799763 kunalsaurav20[at]
common-user S.R. Swain Asst. Director(Commercial & TS&C) 9337791451 saswat.ranjan[at]
common-user K. Satyam Asst. Director(Protection) & DDO 7355661655 satyam24365[at]
common-user J.K. Panda Asst. Director(Commercial) jkpanda15081[at]
common-user Kumari Swati Assistant Director (Operation) swati.cea[at]